UniDrive : Towards Universal Driving Perception Across Camera Configurations

Ye Li1,*  Wenzhao Zheng2,✉  Xiaonan Huang1  Kurt Keutzer2 

1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor    2UC Berkeley 

*Work done while visiting UC Berkeley, ✉Corresponding author


UniDrive is a novel framework designed to address the challenge of generalizing perception models across multi-camera configurations.


Sample Image

Existing driving perception models susceptible to sensor configuration (e.g., camera intrinsics and extrinsics) variations. However, generalizing across camera configurations is important for deploying autonomous driving models on different car models.

Our Pipeline

Sample Image

We deploy a set of unified virtual cameras and propose a ground-aware projection method to effectively transform the original images into these unified virtual views. We further propose a virtual configuration optimization method by minimizing the expected projection error between original cameras and virtual cameras. The proposed virtual camera projection can be applied to existing 3D perception methods as a plug-and-play module to mitigate the challenges posed by camera parameter variability, resulting in more adaptable and reliable driving perception models.

Experiment Results

Visualizations of Different Camera Configurations

Sample Image

BEVFusion Fails to Generalize Across Different Configurations

Sample Image

UniDrive is Robust to Sensor Variations

Sample Image

Virtual Configuration Optimization Further Improves Performance

Sample Image

Effect of Different Configuration Factors

Sample Image


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:


            title={UniDrive: Towards Universal Driving Perception Across Camera Configurations},
            author={Li, Ye and Zheng, Wenzhao and Huang, Xiaonan and Keutzer, Kurt},
            journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.13864},